Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I guess this is a good turn of events.

I recently took a trip from Atlanta down to see my parents and old school friends for the week only to find just about two hours north is St. Augustine which is a wonderful place to visit, along with the fact this upcoming weekend there will be another convention EXP con happening at one of the local convention halls and press passes are free since it's only in it's second year.  Hearing about it I sent in a form for a photographers press pass and just about noon today I received a reply saying I've been permitted a pass.  Awesome.  Looks like my weekend won't be completely dull.

So don't expect an update Thursday through Friday, though Monday expect my log along with a bunch of new pictures.  Hopefully there'll be some impressive cosplay and events there.

Thankfully all my camera gear, along with everything else is packed considering I was traveling already so I can just pick up and go.


  1. nice dude, looking forward to it

  2. Lucky you, how did you apply for a press pass?

  3. Aww no updates?! have a nice trip. :P

  4. cant wait for the updates have fun

  5. You've made some interesting points... I also have some points (actually bubbles) on Enhanced by MS Paint :)

  6. St. Augustine IS pretty awesome. It's not toooooo far away fortunately.

  7. Great post, bro! Waiting for more updates from you

  8. cool cant wait for the pics have fun

  9. man pls take the pics thnx very nice post

  10. Get some good zettai ryouiki shots for me. ;D

  11. must have moar pix. we await your return.

  12. good push for your exp, I hope you will get better and be more awesome
